COVID19 – The Pathway to Total Mind Control and Subservience

Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is fine, as long as it’s contained. – President Snow, The Hunger Games

Someone wrote to me after I posted Stop Acquiescing with Your Own Enslavement! and asked me where the facts are to back my article. Well, no offense to you who questioned me, but you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to find the data and I am providing it in this post. But let me start with this.

When my son came home from his last day of work on March 22, 2020 due to his place of employment being shut-down because of COVID19, we met at my parent’s house for dinner. He had a fever, and we all ate dinner together in spite of it. The next day he had a sore throat, pounding headache, fever and a cough. He was living with me temporarily and I did not take him to the Emergency Room, I gave him aspirin, Nyquil, chicken soup, tea, and orange juice. He slept for two days with a fever and the other symptoms and on the third day, voila, he was better.

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