Synchronicity Within the Illusion

We live in illusion, the appearance of things, but there is a reality and we are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That’s all there is. – Kalu Rinpoche

The past week has been so powerful in so many ways. With a full moon last Monday leading up to the fall equinox the energy that percolated was invigorating as well as mentally stimulating. As the harvest comes to fruition and the leaves change color and fall from the tree, the fall equinox represents the beginning of new cycle.

This fall equinox provides us with the opportunity to honor all of life’s experiences from the past year. To release them with humility and gratitude and to become empty, once again, so that balance and harmony may enter in to hold the fertile space for the seeds of greater vision to grow. While we sit in the darkness of shorter days and longer nights, we are preparing for the birth of light within, illumination, which occurs on the winter solstice as the light returns to lengthen the day and shorten the night. We are in sync with the cycles of the earth.

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