In the World and Not of It

Mine’s a tale that can’t be told, My freedom I hold dear, How years ago in days of old, When magic filled the air.  – Led Zeppelin

The magic that Robert Plant sings about in Ramble On still exists and we don’t have to look too hard for it. We don’t need magic wands, crystal balls, or wizardry to enter into and exist within a magical reality. As creator beings we can choose to be immersed in it since magic is the energy that effervesces around us all the time.

We are all at a strange time in our lifetime; a time that is challenging those of us to do whatever it takes to ensure that we stay our path; whatever that path may be. While those who believe they have the power over everyone to attempt to put us all into a melting pot of sameness and compliance, it is our expansive, multi-faceted diversity that will allow us to simultaneously protect the freedoms that we each strive to attain, maintain, and sustain.

There is no truth, there is only perception! When we recognize that the drama and stories of the world are an illusion, we are able to make a choice, the choice being to participate in the illusion or to walk away from it. Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds – Bob Marley. Choosing to free your mind of the chaos of repetitive, historical patterns appeals to the warrior seer who is committed to being impeccable with his energy.

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Just Keep Dancing!

And thus you will dance to your death here, on this hilltop, at the end of the day. And in your last dance you will tell of your struggle, of the battles you have won and of those you have lost; you will tell of your joys and bewilderments upon encountering personal power. Your dance will tell about the secrets and about the marvels you have stored. And your death will sit here and watch you. The dying sun will glow on you without burning, as it has done today. The wind will be soft and mellow and your hilltop will tremble. As you reach the end of your dance you will look at the sun, for you will never see it again in waking or in dreaming, and then your death will point to the south. To the vastness. – Journey to Ixtlan

To me keep dancing means dancing along all the lines of awareness that come into my periphery. When we dance with this perception, if we do not resonate with a particular line or if it depletes our energy, we can discontinue that particular dance. Sometimes, the story that has culminated into a specific line of awareness may bring us great joy so we dance along that line for a long time, maybe a lifetime, or for just a while until we’ve attained the knowledge the line offers or until it becomes worn out or draining. On the other hand, if we do not resonate with a particular line of awareness we can reject it immediately or we may sometimes find ourselves dancing to the end of it anyway, in order to come into a deeper understanding of why that line of awareness even exists. And we may discover that some of those lines are very, very dark. When we dance upon all the lines of awareness we get to see the entire mold of man. The mold of man, as described by don Juan, is not a creator, but the pattern of every human attribute we can think of and some we cannot even conceive.

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Synchronicity Within the Illusion

We live in illusion, the appearance of things, but there is a reality and we are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That’s all there is. – Kalu Rinpoche

The past week has been so powerful in so many ways. With a full moon last Monday leading up to the fall equinox the energy that percolated was invigorating as well as mentally stimulating. As the harvest comes to fruition and the leaves change color and fall from the tree, the fall equinox represents the beginning of new cycle.

This fall equinox provides us with the opportunity to honor all of life’s experiences from the past year. To release them with humility and gratitude and to become empty, once again, so that balance and harmony may enter in to hold the fertile space for the seeds of greater vision to grow. While we sit in the darkness of shorter days and longer nights, we are preparing for the birth of light within, illumination, which occurs on the winter solstice as the light returns to lengthen the day and shorten the night. We are in sync with the cycles of the earth.

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Unity vs Solidarity


The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to himself. You’re after the self-confidence of the average man, when you should be after the humbleness of a warrior. The difference between the two is remarkable. – Carlos Castaneda, Tales of Power

The world is reeling from the infiltration of the predator having become so immense, the biggest humanity has ever experienced and the current state of frustration is due to so many corrupt and deceitful things that are deeply rooted in centuries old Illuminati and Deep State conditioning and control. What we need now is not unity, it’s solidarity. While unity is unaccountable oneness and the total buy-in of single-mindedness for one single organized effort for a common purpose, solidarity is a countable bond of unity between individuals united around a common goal. That said, solidarity will unite everyone in their effort to maintain their individuality without blindly acquiescing in “unity” for a one-mind, same-mind existence. Fine line indeed.

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transforming the dark force

…and so the adventure continues!

All we have to do is align with Source energy, merging with utter fluidity in the space of no-mind, no-words, no fixating, no need to explain. Just flow along as energy, witnessing energy, being energy, traveling through doorways and traversing the pathways that unfold before us. – Lorraine Voss, Becoming Awareness

 I have spent some time considering the numerous terms that have surfaced during the course of my lifetime; terms that imply that there are beings on earth that are opening portals and leading the way into higher realms of human consciousness. There are many terms that define this kind of transformational action and they have included, but are not limited to: healers, ascended masters, teachers, gurus, cultural creatives, wisdom keepers, shaman, medicine people, starseeds, flame carriers, earth angels, crystal/rainbow/diamond children, indigos, magentas, lightworkers, and so on. I’m sure you have heard of most, if not all of them. For clarity’s sake, we’ll refer to this energy as light workers in this article.

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Presence After Recapitulation

As pure conscious awareness I could perceive and observe everything on the earth that I had recapitulated. There, before me, was a beautiful and diverse array of creation. The world, I realized, will go on with or without me. The patterns and man-made stories of the world will continue, only as long as there are people who are willing to uphold them. ~ Becoming Awareness

A couple of my long-time blog fans have asked me where my “fight” went. They seem to be puzzled, almost offended, at my lack of activism or radical engagement in fending off the predator, or the government, or the inorganic beings that feed off of humanity. It’s not that my get-up-and-go-got-up-and-went, there is just nothing to struggle against. The position of the assemblage point cannot remain fixated or we will not evolve. It boils down to unplugging, a surrender that comes not from weakness, but from strength, the strength that allows the seer to see power as it moves through the universe while bearing witness to what people choose to do with that power.

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Creators and Co-creators

Once our vibrational frequency has increased, our awareness becomes heightened, and we come to know that the only choice we have is to live authentically. The only dream we have is the dream of the planet; the dream of the universe. And the only reality that energizes us is the one in which we are creators and co-creators. ~ Nayeli, Becoming Awareness

A warrior sees herself as a blank canvas and designs herself. She becomes open to the possibilities that exist in which to create her individual and unique manifestation of form in this world. She is prone to explore all possibilities, and while she dances along the lines of awareness that are already upheld by mainstream society, she remembers that there are always new energetic lines to discover and to create. She comes to understand that reality exists before birth and after death and that the details of life are illusory while we walk upon this Earth.


Creative Conscious Evolution

For don Juan, sorcery was the act of embodying some specialized theoretical and practical premises about the nature and role of perception in molding the universe around us. ~ Carlos Castaneda, The Art of Dreaming

Evolution begins with inner silence. When we take the time to sit in stillness and connect with the earth we begin to connect to the intricate energetic web of the universe of which we are all a part; of which we emerged! To evolve, one must have command over the totality of oneself. This means that you encounter power by removing yourself from the concerns of the “group mind” and replace them with decisions of power and strategies that bring you to awareness. It involves practicing silence to overcome the domestic condition of having membership in a social group and removing yourself as a hostage in another person’s inventory with an obligation to uphold an image before others. You are an autonomous, individual who has come to realize that your next step is to liberate and evolve your consciousness. If you choose not to, you may remain stuck within a loop of repeating patterns over and over again.

Those of you who place a higher value on your own perceptions than on the interpretations of others have access to more informational awareness that is interconnected with the true alignment of intent than the mostly faulty descriptions of reality that have been provided to you.

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When the Battles Have Ended

On the cosmic scale, the strength of a being is not measured by its physical capability, but by its capacity to manipulate awareness. It follows that if we are to take the next evolutionary step, it must be done by means of discipline, determination, and strategy. Those are our weapons. In order to manipulate and understand the emanations which arrive to our senses, sorcerers develop the power of their attention, sharpening it through discipline to exquisite levels, which allow them to transcend human limitations and to fulfill all the possibilities of perception. Their concentration is so intense that they can penetrate the thick armor of appearances, and expose the essence of things. ~ Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

Recapitulation Complete? Check.

Mold of Man Broken? Check.

Personal History Erased? Check.

Death as an Advisor? Check.

Predator Defeated? Check.

It seemed impossible. Diligently walking the path of the warrior towards total freedom while being constantly mindful to use what Carlos referred to as the weapons of discipline, determination and strategy has had its payoffs. It seemed an arduous task, and it was; breaking the patterns, unplugging from the man-made matrix, experiencing the Toltec mysteries, traveling throughout Mexico, taking the journeys, abstract flights, meeting other warriors, writing, writing, and writing.

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Artificial Intelligence

There is no doubt that the description we have received (of living in the world)  is a valuable possession, similar to the rigid stake that is tied to a tender sapling to strengthen and guide it. It allows us to grow up as normal people, within a society that is molded to that rigidity. To achieve it, we had to learn how to ‘skim’ – that is, how to make selective readings from the enormous volume of data that arrives to our senses. But once those readings are converted into ‘reality’, the rigidity of our attention works as an anchor, because it prevents us from becoming aware of our incredible possibilities. ~ Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

I’ve been thinking lately about artificial intelligence and how our species is rapidly evolving into the arena of exactly that. Most people are “skimmers”, merely touching the surface of a subject in order to accumulate meaning and knowledge. Yes, as you know this is nothing more than self-importance, nothing more than accumulating knowledge to claim to know things without really knowing anything.

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