Old Age and the Warrior Traveler

At the end of his journey of learning, and almost without warning he will come upon the last of his enemies: old age! This enemy is the cruelest of all, the one he won’t be able to defeat completely, but only fight away. This is the time when a man has no more fears, no more impatient clarity of mind – a time when all his power is in check, but also the time when he has an unyielding desire to rest. If he gives in totally to his desire to lie down and forget, if he soothes himself in tiredness, he will have lost his last round, and his enemy will cut him down into a feeble old creature. His desire to retreat will overrule all his clarity, his power, and his knowledge. – Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan

In 2015 I wrote a blog entitled warriors and the four natural enemies. Today I want to talk about the natural enemy of old age because this is the era that many who have aligned themselves with the Toltec path of knowledge and awareness are entering into. I bring this up at this time because I am witness to a group of warriors – who I have done work with for decades – succumb to old age, and some of them are still in their 40s. As a result, I felt myself slipping into a state of perma-rest until recently when faced with the choice of acquiescing to the predator or continuing the battle against it.  Wake up call! The battle for knowledge and freedom continues.

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the center of consciousness within ourselves

When we live our lives in alignment with the center of consciousness within ourselves, we come to know that our connection with every living thing is an extension of the great energetic flow of awareness that serves as the most transformative force in the universe. This force is the universal life force vibration of pure primal and original energy that resides within us and simultaneously all around us; in everyone, and everything that we know.

This vibration is our connecting link with spirit. It is a harmonic frequency that resonates with the combined, similar energies that invariably produce the state of oneness with all things within the universal life-force flow of infinite energy. To attain this vibrational frequency, practicing mindful meditation or entering into silence allows us to focus on the present moment without judgment. And when we focus on gratitude we find that as we open ourselves to the center of consciousness within ourselves, the energetic vibrations that we send out will be returned to us many times over.

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The residue of consciousness, called the second attention, is brought into action, or is harnessed, through exercises of not-doing . The essential aid to dreaming is a state of mental quietness, called “stopping the internal dialogue,” or the not-doing of talking to oneself. In a woman both the attention and the energy for dreaming originate from the womb. ~ Carlos Castaneda, The Eagle’s Gift

A fellow warrior recently asked a number of questions on the post Choosing Evolution. I cannot succinctly answer all of the questions asked since my perspectives and perceptions lie deeply rooted in the energies that emanate from the womb but I will attempt to provide the evolutionary course that works for me.

A Warrior’s descriptions are conceived from experience and action and not whimsical notions concocted to entertain. Once a warrior acts she is able to share her descriptions of the world in freedom, without imposing her will upon others to travel upon the same lines of awareness.

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When the Battles Have Ended

On the cosmic scale, the strength of a being is not measured by its physical capability, but by its capacity to manipulate awareness. It follows that if we are to take the next evolutionary step, it must be done by means of discipline, determination, and strategy. Those are our weapons. In order to manipulate and understand the emanations which arrive to our senses, sorcerers develop the power of their attention, sharpening it through discipline to exquisite levels, which allow them to transcend human limitations and to fulfill all the possibilities of perception. Their concentration is so intense that they can penetrate the thick armor of appearances, and expose the essence of things. ~ Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

Recapitulation Complete? Check.

Mold of Man Broken? Check.

Personal History Erased? Check.

Death as an Advisor? Check.

Predator Defeated? Check.

It seemed impossible. Diligently walking the path of the warrior towards total freedom while being constantly mindful to use what Carlos referred to as the weapons of discipline, determination and strategy has had its payoffs. It seemed an arduous task, and it was; breaking the patterns, unplugging from the man-made matrix, experiencing the Toltec mysteries, traveling throughout Mexico, taking the journeys, abstract flights, meeting other warriors, writing, writing, and writing.

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Sonoran Desert Magic

Buddha Rock, Sonoran Desert ~ Photo by FW

It is a sublime feeling,” he said, “to be in this marvelous desert, to see those ragged peaks of pseudo-mountains that were really made by the flow of lava of long-gone volcanoes. It is a glorious feeling to find that some of those nuggets of obsidian were created at such high temperatures that they still retain the mark of their origin. They have power galore. To wander aimlessly in those ragged peaks and actually find a piece of quartz that picks up radio waves is extraordinary. The only drawback to this marvelous picture is that to enter into the marvels of this world, or into the marvels of another world, a man needs to be a warrior: calm, collected, indifferent, seasoned by the onslaughts of the unknown. ~ Don Juan, speaking about the Sonoran Desert, The Wheel of Time

While driving through the Sonoran Desert last weekend I snapped this photo of the Buddha rock. I’ve driven past this natural monument countless times and never stopped to take a photo of it before.  Towering above everything else, the Buddha is an example of the constant magic unfolding in this extraordinary desert.

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The Power of the Womb

The womb is the way female animals sense things and regulate their bodies. Through the womb, women can generate and store power in their doubles to build or destroy; or to become one with everything around them. ~ Nelida, The Sorcerer’s Crossing by Taisha Abelar

This is true. When we sit in the breath with intention and open our wombs to receive the life flow energy we become one with everything around us with so much fluidity we can no longer discern any separation. According to sorcerers, the womb makes it easy for women to enter into exotic areas of awareness. This makes perfect sense since the womb is a creative universe unto itself. In an interview, one of the witches said, “Sorcerers maintain that, due to the presence of the womb inside the body, women have the facility to displace the assemblage point to a new position.”

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