Just Keep Dancing!

And thus you will dance to your death here, on this hilltop, at the end of the day. And in your last dance you will tell of your struggle, of the battles you have won and of those you have lost; you will tell of your joys and bewilderments upon encountering personal power. Your dance will tell about the secrets and about the marvels you have stored. And your death will sit here and watch you. The dying sun will glow on you without burning, as it has done today. The wind will be soft and mellow and your hilltop will tremble. As you reach the end of your dance you will look at the sun, for you will never see it again in waking or in dreaming, and then your death will point to the south. To the vastness. – Journey to Ixtlan

To me keep dancing means dancing along all the lines of awareness that come into my periphery. When we dance with this perception, if we do not resonate with a particular line or if it depletes our energy, we can discontinue that particular dance. Sometimes, the story that has culminated into a specific line of awareness may bring us great joy so we dance along that line for a long time, maybe a lifetime, or for just a while until we’ve attained the knowledge the line offers or until it becomes worn out or draining. On the other hand, if we do not resonate with a particular line of awareness we can reject it immediately or we may sometimes find ourselves dancing to the end of it anyway, in order to come into a deeper understanding of why that line of awareness even exists. And we may discover that some of those lines are very, very dark. When we dance upon all the lines of awareness we get to see the entire mold of man. The mold of man, as described by don Juan, is not a creator, but the pattern of every human attribute we can think of and some we cannot even conceive.

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The Flaw with Words

Those of us attempting to access the essence of nagualism must accept an outrageous premise; even though the teachings of don Juan are now available in print, the silent knowledge that underlies those teachings remains completely beyond the power of the written word. The Toltecs insist that anything truly “of the spirit” must be actualized as a personal experience rather than simply written or talked about as an intellectual concept. – Tomas, Creative Victory

For years I have included in my blog posts, “Don’t believe a word I say, have your own experience!” Having spent the past couple of weeks contemplating my decade’s long journey in awareness on the Toltec path got me to thinking about – once again – recapitulating these teachings; it seems as though most of them have become superfluous for me. While there was a time when much of these practices were necessary, it is now time to actualize the fact that power is and power moves.

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autonomous perception

The Architect by Trevor Hamlett

Once you learn to discern the voice of Mother Culture humming in the background, telling her story over and over again to the people of your culture, you’ll never stop being conscious of it. Wherever you go for the rest of your life, you’ll be tempted to say to the people around you, “how can you listen to this stuff and not recognize it for what it is? ~ Daniel Quinn

I have come to realize through my life experience that the more I think I know, the less I actually know. This is a good thing, a very good thing. I don’t have as many opinions as I used to because I have come to know that everything is true, right and correct, at least from the perspective of the person who holds those perceptions. And that’s okay; it is, after all, their world, their creation, and we can’t possibly know what they’ve been through or what they are doing to maintain that perception. And unless they ask, there is nothing we can tell ‘em.

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perception, perspective, and potential

Presto! Consider the pervasive perspectives of profane politicians with potentials to fixate the position of people’s assemblage points in an attempt to permeate, and pervade reality without permission. The penetration of pointless propaganda that promotes poisonous points of view is poised to perpetuate perplexity while placing us in the predicament of a precarious plunge into a pestilent existence. Putting us in peril of a state of platitude, we pause to ponder this illusion of persuasive power. If you find this paragraph to be puzzling and perplexing, just remember it’s possible to promote a positive and persuasive paradigmatic permutation of peace and profundity beyond the patterns of puppeteering. Patience and persistence are pertinent as we poignantly and poetically persist in a pragmatic manner to prevail in pure perception. ~ LV

When we become aware of something through one of our senses, to include our sixth sense of intuition, we perceive; we become aware of something. Our ability to perceive provides us with a way to interpret and understand our world. How we each perceive differs vastly based upon the conditions that shaped our reality. Enter in perspective.

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Becoming Awareness Book Release!

Happy Earth Day!

After years of writing and months of editing, Becoming Awareness: Earth. Energy. Evolution. is available for purchase through Amazon.com. A brief description of the book and excerpts follow.

Who were you before the world told you who you should be?

Lorraine Voss takes us on a powerful journey of awareness and perception that awakens us to natural beauty and the realization of authentic being.

In Becoming Awareness, Lorraine explores how our connection with the Earth facilitates the awakening of our vibrational frequencies, bringing us to states of higher consciousness and into realms of deeper awareness. Her insights motivate us to recognize ourselves as beings who are free to choose and create from the infinite possibilities that are available to us. She illuminates the patterns that prevent humanity from evolving and inspires us to feel, see, hear, and know our world from a place of stillness, a place of Spirit, a place of pure perception.

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no points to defend

The characteristic of miserable seers is that they are willing to forget the wonder of the world. They become overwhelmed by the fact that they see and believe that it’s their genius that counts. A seer must be a paragon in order to override the nearly invincible laxness of our human condition. More important than seeing itself is what seers do with what they see. ~ Don Juan, The Fire from Within

Warriors marvel at the wonder of the world. They marvel at the beauty and they marvel at the insanity. They do what they do for the love of doing it. They cry, they laugh, they know compassion, forgiveness, love, wonder, awe, fear, and sadness. They sense with every ounce of their being every single sensation or feeling that arises. It is all of these wonders and feelings that bring total awareness to a warrior. To deny yourself of that which arises is avoidance; to become attached to it is foolishness.

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Creative Conscious Evolution

For don Juan, sorcery was the act of embodying some specialized theoretical and practical premises about the nature and role of perception in molding the universe around us. ~ Carlos Castaneda, The Art of Dreaming

Evolution begins with inner silence. When we take the time to sit in stillness and connect with the earth we begin to connect to the intricate energetic web of the universe of which we are all a part; of which we emerged! To evolve, one must have command over the totality of oneself. This means that you encounter power by removing yourself from the concerns of the “group mind” and replace them with decisions of power and strategies that bring you to awareness. It involves practicing silence to overcome the domestic condition of having membership in a social group and removing yourself as a hostage in another person’s inventory with an obligation to uphold an image before others. You are an autonomous, individual who has come to realize that your next step is to liberate and evolve your consciousness. If you choose not to, you may remain stuck within a loop of repeating patterns over and over again.

Those of you who place a higher value on your own perceptions than on the interpretations of others have access to more informational awareness that is interconnected with the true alignment of intent than the mostly faulty descriptions of reality that have been provided to you.

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Evolving Beyond Earth

There exists a place where people are able to be so free of the distractions that they connect with silent knowledge and glean new, beautiful nuggets of awareness to share. Others honor the beauty of that nugget with gratitude and in freedom. And then other people connect with silent knowledge and share their beautiful nugget of awareness and are honored for the journey that has taken them to see in that manner and share in freedom. And no one becomes attached to these shining nuggets and attempts to “take” them or “have” the same nugget but instead, venture into the unknown to encounter and then share their beautiful piece with the whole, everyone marveling with wonder at the awe and auspiciousness of the universe. This is a new web of existence, each of us lightly traversing these beautiful gossamer threads of awareness, continuously and creatively weaving together through all of eternity. ~ Female Warrior

I am going to be sharing my story about recapitulating the earth, where it came from, what it means to me and why I find it to be important on my journey as a warrior of freedom. It is based on my personal experience and connection with silent knowledge. I don’t expect anyone to believe it, buy into it, try to embody it or otherwise make it their own. What I’m interested in is having the freedom to create and co-create. And if you recognize some nugget of awareness for yourself in the experiences I share then YAY, because there are many from whom I have gleaned nuggets of awareness over the years. I am open to constructive and engaging discussion and hope that before you attempt to tell me I’m wrong or that I need to seek clarification of my perceptions that you take the time to consider and honor the story you are creating and/or co-creating. How drab our world would be if we were all aligned with the same one. Our diversity is what makes us warriors of freedom.

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The residue of consciousness, called the second attention, is brought into action, or is harnessed, through exercises of not-doing . The essential aid to dreaming is a state of mental quietness, called “stopping the internal dialogue,” or the not-doing of talking to oneself. In a woman both the attention and the energy for dreaming originate from the womb. ~ Carlos Castaneda, The Eagle’s Gift

A fellow warrior recently asked a number of questions on the post Choosing Evolution. I cannot succinctly answer all of the questions asked since my perspectives and perceptions lie deeply rooted in the energies that emanate from the womb but I will attempt to provide the evolutionary course that works for me.

A Warrior’s descriptions are conceived from experience and action and not whimsical notions concocted to entertain. Once a warrior acts she is able to share her descriptions of the world in freedom, without imposing her will upon others to travel upon the same lines of awareness.

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When the Battles Have Ended

On the cosmic scale, the strength of a being is not measured by its physical capability, but by its capacity to manipulate awareness. It follows that if we are to take the next evolutionary step, it must be done by means of discipline, determination, and strategy. Those are our weapons. In order to manipulate and understand the emanations which arrive to our senses, sorcerers develop the power of their attention, sharpening it through discipline to exquisite levels, which allow them to transcend human limitations and to fulfill all the possibilities of perception. Their concentration is so intense that they can penetrate the thick armor of appearances, and expose the essence of things. ~ Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

Recapitulation Complete? Check.

Mold of Man Broken? Check.

Personal History Erased? Check.

Death as an Advisor? Check.

Predator Defeated? Check.

It seemed impossible. Diligently walking the path of the warrior towards total freedom while being constantly mindful to use what Carlos referred to as the weapons of discipline, determination and strategy has had its payoffs. It seemed an arduous task, and it was; breaking the patterns, unplugging from the man-made matrix, experiencing the Toltec mysteries, traveling throughout Mexico, taking the journeys, abstract flights, meeting other warriors, writing, writing, and writing.

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