The Unfathomable Sea of Awareness

Flower of Life

Human beings are unable to enter and remain for any extended length of time inside the realm of cosmic awareness – the state which Don Juan called ‘the third attention’. Either we leave it and forget, or we stay and melt into that unfathomable sea. But the power that governs us has found the way to get around this limitation, by creating organisms in which individual entities work as members. – Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

It is, in my experience, extremely difficult to put the abstract into words because in seeking words to describe an abstract experience we potentially dilute it as well as create the fixation of the assemblage point. The Eagle’s emanations, as written by Carlos Castaneda, are Fluid, forever in motion, and yet unchanged, eternal.

It is said that the Eagle bestows awareness and also devours awareness by making sentient beings relinquish it at the moment of death. In The Fire from Within Don Juan describes the eagle’s emanations as, A presence, almost a mass of sorts, a pressure that creates a dazzling sensation. One can catch only a glimpse of them, as one can catch only a glimpse of the Eagle itself and, there is nothing visual about the Eagle. The entire body of a seer senses the Eagle.

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The Only Way Out is Through

For a warrior, to be harmonious is to flow, not to stop in the middle of the current and try to make a space of artificial and impossible peace. He knows that he can only give the very best of himself under conditions of maximum tension. For that reason, he seeks out his opponent the way a fighting rooster does – with avidity, with delight, knowing that the next step is decisive. His opponent is not his fellow man, but his own attachments and weaknesses, and his grand challenge is to compress the layers of his energy until they won’t expand when his life ceases, so that his awareness does not die.– Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

I always love a good epiphany. That moment when you stare into the abyss and find it staring back at you. The flash of illumination that reminds you that everything is okay and that life will continue to go forward with or without your consent or approval. Such a realization happened the other day when I was walking along the river. I was reflecting upon all of the anger that I’ve had for the past year in the face of what seems like insurmountable global issues that affect us all, many of which I’ve written about. I watched the calm water move with fluidity over rocks, creating little eddies in the shallows, and random fish jumping up creating beautiful ripples across the surface.

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Presence After Recapitulation

As pure conscious awareness I could perceive and observe everything on the earth that I had recapitulated. There, before me, was a beautiful and diverse array of creation. The world, I realized, will go on with or without me. The patterns and man-made stories of the world will continue, only as long as there are people who are willing to uphold them. ~ Becoming Awareness

A couple of my long-time blog fans have asked me where my “fight” went. They seem to be puzzled, almost offended, at my lack of activism or radical engagement in fending off the predator, or the government, or the inorganic beings that feed off of humanity. It’s not that my get-up-and-go-got-up-and-went, there is just nothing to struggle against. The position of the assemblage point cannot remain fixated or we will not evolve. It boils down to unplugging, a surrender that comes not from weakness, but from strength, the strength that allows the seer to see power as it moves through the universe while bearing witness to what people choose to do with that power.

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life outside the box

A warrior cannot have the luxury of following people’s ways, nor can he be a reactionary, because his freedom means to exercise other alternatives. ~ Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

This is a great quote. Our freedom is contingent upon our ability to remain awake and fluid, to not become bound by ideas, stories, and patterns. All of the paths in the world have the potential to enslave us, to turn us into followers of specific protocols, doctrines, or dogmata. It is when we decide to belong to a specific membership that we adopt the ideas of another which carries the danger, for a warrior, to act from a point of reason. This ultimately leads one to inadvertently employ or uphold bastions of judgements against those outside of their chosen and often structured beliefs; as though they have something to defend.

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the challenges of facebook for a warrior

We the luminous beings are born with two rings of power, but we use only one to create the world. That ring which is hooked very soon after we are born is ‘reason’, and its companion is ‘talking’. Between the two they concoct and maintain the world. So, in essence, the world that your ‘reason’ wants to sustain is the world created by a description, and its dogmatic and inviolable rules; a description which ‘reason’ learns to accept and defend. – Don Juan, Tales of Power

Facebook is the constant bombardment of words and descriptions consisting of perpetual talking backed by individual reasoning and justification. Everyone on Facebook takes the opportunity to express their viewpoint from the fixated position of their assemblage point with the hopes of solidifying that position for themselves and for others. Whether it’s the constant flow of activism, self-aggrandizement, journeys into the past, or the constant flow of memes for Buddha, Jesus, or any other kind of spirituality, the attempt is basically the same, to coerce other people into aligning with their position of the assemblage point.

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Leaver vs. Taker

Every man is in touch with everything else, not through his hands, but through a bunch of long fibers that shoot out in all directions from the center of his abdomen. Those fibers join a man to his surroundings; they keep his balance; they give him stability. ~ A Separate Reality

More than stability, our connection with all else has the potential to provide us with stability while existing within multiple realities with fluidity. While we can attain balance when we are connected with the universal life flow of energy moving in, through and around us at all times, it is important to remain in a state of impeccable balance with our energy by ensuring that those around us are unaffected by our actions. This, as Daniel Quinn describes, is Leaver energy – the premise of the Leaver story is ‘man belongs to the world’ – in balance with all beings and situations as they unfold.

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A Warrior’s Detachment

And thus with an awareness of his death, with his detachment, and with the power of his decisions a warrior sets his life in a strategical manner. The knowledge of his death guides him and makes him detached and silently lusty; the power of his final decisions makes him able to choose without regrets and what he chooses is always strategically the best; and so he performs everything he has to with gusto and lusty efficiency. When a man behaves in such a manner one may rightfully say that he is a warrior and has acquired patience! ~ don Juan, A Separate Reality

The holiday season is a weird time for a lot of warriors because many choose to appease their family members by maintaining a story that no longer serves them. They feel the pressure from the mold of man to spend time with their friends and loved ones and then they find themselves caught up in a lot of drama, drama that isn’t necessarily theirs but they become unwitting accomplices. And then they complain about the choice that they made to be there in the first place.

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Don’t Chase the Bird of Freedom

The moment ideologies – including nagualism – become widespread, they become cultural mafias, schools to make people sleepy. No matter how subtle their postulates are, and no matter how much they try to validate them with personal corroboration, they end up conditioning our actions according to some form of reward or punishment, and by doing that, they pervert the very essence of the search. If the pillar of my faith is a salary, what merit does it have? ~ Carlos Castaneda

“Toltec Mastery” has become one such school to make people sleepy and this is evident in the work of those who pretend to bring this important knowledge of the Toltec forward. I am diligent in my efforts to disengage from the Toltec label since it is becoming a cult-like, dogmatic structure that has more to do with outmoded and repetitious patterns that are found in predominant worldwide religions and less than freedom.

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Vanquishing the Self

In order to be a dreamer I had to vanquish the self. Nothing, but nothing, is as hard as that. The sorcerers understand freedom as the capacity to do the impossible, the unexpected – to dream a dream that has no basis, no reality in everyday life. The knowledge of sorcerers is what is exciting and new. Imagination is what a woman needs to change the self and become a dreamer. ~ Florinda Donner, Being-in-Dreaming

At some point on the path of the committed warrior it becomes necessary to deepen by shifting the assemblage point as thoroughly as possible to align with the unfathomable sea of awareness. This is more than a decision to change a routine, recapitulate a thing or break a pattern. It is a commitment to align with intent as much as possible and jump into the abyss, feet first, without looking back. In order to jump it is necessary to prepare by pooling all accessible energy and engage in the act of not-doing as much as possible.

The warrior strives to become capable of what don Juan refers to as stupendous maneuvers of perception, and in preparing for this it is necessary to vanquish the self and gain deeper access to dreaming. In order to begin to explore from a new point of perception everything has to change. The hardest decision for me was letting go of the blog and recapitulating all of it because the lines within the internet began to overwhelm me and it felt as though the lines of information I was putting forth were gathering up other lines and coming right back through the screen, through my fingertips and into me. This subtle and nearly imperceptible occurrence was beginning to fixate my assemblage point and it was time to unplug and focus on fluidity.

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The Indescribable Force’s Emanations

There is no way to describe in words what the Indescribable Force’s emanations really are. A seer must witness them. They are a presence, almost a mass of sorts, a pressure that creates a dazzling sensation. One can catch only a glimpse of them, as one can catch only a glimpse of the Indescribable Force itself. ~ Carlos Castaneda

Think of yourself just as you are at this moment, nothing more, nothing less. Now think about the things that you have created in your life such as the home that you live in, a partner, children perhaps, a job, friends, pets. Now think about the stories that surround each of those creations to include a yard, a street, your partner’s job and friends, your kids school and friends, relationship with pets, your job related duties, contacts, acquaintances, your friend’s family and friends. Now consider that all of those people maintain their realities, their families, their friends and the stories connected to them.

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