Old Age and the Warrior Traveler

At the end of his journey of learning, and almost without warning he will come upon the last of his enemies: old age! This enemy is the cruelest of all, the one he won’t be able to defeat completely, but only fight away. This is the time when a man has no more fears, no more impatient clarity of mind – a time when all his power is in check, but also the time when he has an unyielding desire to rest. If he gives in totally to his desire to lie down and forget, if he soothes himself in tiredness, he will have lost his last round, and his enemy will cut him down into a feeble old creature. His desire to retreat will overrule all his clarity, his power, and his knowledge. – Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan

In 2015 I wrote a blog entitled warriors and the four natural enemies. Today I want to talk about the natural enemy of old age because this is the era that many who have aligned themselves with the Toltec path of knowledge and awareness are entering into. I bring this up at this time because I am witness to a group of warriors – who I have done work with for decades – succumb to old age, and some of them are still in their 40s. As a result, I felt myself slipping into a state of perma-rest until recently when faced with the choice of acquiescing to the predator or continuing the battle against it.  Wake up call! The battle for knowledge and freedom continues.

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entering the unknown



A warrior acknowledges his pain but he doesn’t indulge in it. Thus the mood of a warrior who enters into the unknown is not one of sadness; on the contrary, he’s joyful because he feels humbled by his great fortune, confident that his spirit is impeccable, and above all, fully aware of his efficiency. A warrior’s joyfulness comes from having accepted his fate, and from having truthfully assessed what lies ahead of him. ~ Don Juan, Tales of Power

It’s been a long time since I’ve written because I’ve had nothing to say. And now I’m compelled to write and ironically I still have nothing to say but there’s nothing else to do.

Those of you who have read my posts since I started blogging in 2009 know that I have always placed a strong emphasis on attaining freedom from The Predator. The ultimate goal of the predator – as I have come to understand it through Carlos Castaneda’s explanations – was to feed off of human energy, to consume them fully until there was nothing left but a lifeless husk. Don Juan said in regards to the predator, There is an explanation which is the simplest explanation in the world. They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in chicken goods, the predators rear us in human coops. Therefore, their food is always available to them.

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Book Review

My book received a really cool book review, with this accompanying image from Carlos Castaneda’s book, The Fire From Within, and I want to share it here. It’s been so interesting to receive feedback about the book and I appreciate the time that has been taken by those who have left Amazon book reviews and/or contacted me with personal insights from the readers’ perspective.

Thank you, John, for a very interesting and supportive review!

Beyond Carlos Castaneda’s Teachings: A New Perspective

Rare is the book that comes along that is both a pleasure to read, as well as serves as a treasure trove of insightful knowledge into personal and spiritual growth. Lorraine Voss’s Becoming Awareness is one such book.

Early within “Becoming Awareness”, Lorraine mentions Carlos Castaneda and the books he has written. Some explanation is due to this mention.

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Presence After Recapitulation

As pure conscious awareness I could perceive and observe everything on the earth that I had recapitulated. There, before me, was a beautiful and diverse array of creation. The world, I realized, will go on with or without me. The patterns and man-made stories of the world will continue, only as long as there are people who are willing to uphold them. ~ Becoming Awareness

A couple of my long-time blog fans have asked me where my “fight” went. They seem to be puzzled, almost offended, at my lack of activism or radical engagement in fending off the predator, or the government, or the inorganic beings that feed off of humanity. It’s not that my get-up-and-go-got-up-and-went, there is just nothing to struggle against. The position of the assemblage point cannot remain fixated or we will not evolve. It boils down to unplugging, a surrender that comes not from weakness, but from strength, the strength that allows the seer to see power as it moves through the universe while bearing witness to what people choose to do with that power.

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Dreaming From Within a New Band of Awareness

When the assemblage point assembles a world, that world is total. This is the marvel that the old seers stumbled upon and never realized what it was: the awareness of the earth can give us a boost to align other great bands of emanations, and the force of that new alignment makes the world vanish. ~ Don Juan, The Fire from Within

Humans have the ability to assemble, to create, new bands of awareness by simply aligning with the emanations of the earth. What are these emanations? They are the force of power, the fibrous lines that lie within the reach of our fingertips, the indescribable commands that are awaiting their creation through our intention and our purpose as incarnate awareness in human form. It’s a masterpiece, a manifestation of beauty just as we, ourselves, have become manifest through intention alone.

When our awareness is aligned with other energetic forces of the universe, including the earth, great and amazing things become manifest as a result of what is perceived by the awareness that is doing the perceiving. We are a feeling, an awareness encased here. ~ Don Juan, Tales of Power

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Bottom Feeders

This predator not only feeds off of human awareness; it also manipulates humans. Don Juan said that there are a lot of outside forces controlling people in every moment and that this control is something that exists outside of the domain of language because these experiences lie so far beyond syntax. ~ Don Juan

It’s been a very long time since I’ve had to deal with the predator. In fact, I thought the predatory energies were a thing of the past, could no longer touch me, that I had elevated myself to a state of existence that I had become impeccable and immune to the poison of it. It seemed that no matter what, I was able to dance past the predator in freedom and when people asked me to write more about it, I refused, deluding myself into believing that it no longer exists in my “separate reality”.

Where do they come from, these horrible bottom feeders, who have not one iota of self-worth or respect for others? It’s infuriating to me that they exist at all but even worse that they appear in my small and simple humble reality. Really? I mean what of all the work I’ve done my entire life to take the higher ground and rise above the petty bullshit?

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What is Your Warrior’s Task?

A warrior is devoted to his task, he doesn’t waste his energy on following anybody. He doesn’t care about social customs, whether they may be contemporary or represent millennia of tradition. ~  Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

The last post was a reminder as to the knock of the spirit that brought you to this path or to the principles of the warrior’s journey. In reading your responses I got to thinking about a warrior’s task and wanted to quote some of the warrior’s tasks here.

“Don Juan explained that by using heightened awareness over thousands of years of painful struggle, sorcerers had gained specific insights into intent; and that they had passed these nuggets of direct knowledge on from generation to generation to the present. He said that the task of sorcery is to take this seemingly incomprehensible knowledge and make it understandable by the standards of awareness of everyday life.” ~ The Power of Silence

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The Knock of the Spirit

He reminded me of something he had told me often: that volunteers were not welcome in the sorcerers’ world, because they already had a purpose of their own, which made it particularly hard for them to relinquish their individuality. If the sorcerers’ world demanded ideas and actions contrary to the volunteers’ purpose, the volunteers simply refused to change. ~ Carlos Castaneda, The Power of Silence

As a warrior of freedom for many years, it seemed to me that anyone had the ability to become one, just as one might choose to become a Buddhist, and it would often frustrate me to find that people would not choose to walk this path of knowledge and awareness above all others.

Committed to walking my path and maturing as a seer has brought to know that there truly are no volunteers on the path of sorcery. I blogged about this a little over a year ago in my post Volunteers in the Sorcerer’s World and since then I have come to an even greater understanding of what this means.

Others have incorporated components of sorcery into their writings and works that are grounded in a salvationism framework that many refer to as the Toltec Path. This is not a bad thing because so many people are walking the world in which their volunteer’s purpose can be or is instrumental in this manner and as a result, people are indeed evolving and even releasing the stories that keep them in an endless cycle of samsara and suffering. Evolution for ordinary man is slow and if people choose to walk in such a way as to fulfill their life’s purpose, all we can do is be a witness to their path as it unfolds.

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The Mastery of Stalking

The very first principle of stalking is that a warrior stalks himself, don Juan said. He stalks himself ruthlessly, cunningly, patiently, and sweetly. There are four steps to learning it: Ruthlessness should not be harshness, cunning should not be cruelty, patience should not be negligence, and sweetness should not be foolishness. These four steps have to be practiced and perfected until they are so smooth they are unnoticeable. ~ Carlos Castaneda, The Power of Silence

All warriors who are interested in strengthening their link with intent must practice this. Stalking is not limited to those with a predilection of stalking, it is applicable to dreamers as well. Don Juan said, A warrior needs focus. Heightened awareness is like a springboard. From it one could jump into infinity. He stressed, over and over, that when the assemblage point was dislodged, it either became lodged again at a position very near its customary one or continued moving on into infinity.

As committed warriors we must diligently stalk the dream into infinity. When Silvio Manual screamed Intent!! Intent!! Intent!! he was able to move himself and others into a state of heightened awareness; to open the portal of intent. This was not because he screamed the words, anyone can scream the words. It was because he had become a master of stalking and intent and could move his assemblage point at will. Continue reading

Onslaughts of the Unknown

I have spent thirty-five years of my life seeking the maturity of a warrior. I have gone to places that defy description, seeking that sensation of being seasoned by the onslaughts of the unknown. I went unobtrusively, unannounced, and I came back in the same fashion. The works of warriors are silent and solitary, and when warriors go, or come back, they do it so inconspicuously that nobody is the wiser. To seek a warrior’s maturity in any other fashion would be ostentatious, and therefore, inadmissible. ~ Carlos Castaneda, The Wheel of Time

As we dance our way more deeply into the unknown we come to understand that the things we see and experience can no longer be understood by most and it becomes a moot point to even attempt to describe it. All we can do is just keep dancing within the myriad of lines of awareness that bring us to a deeper understanding of the way of the warrior. Don Juan told Carlos, to enter into the marvels of this world, or into the marvels of another world, one needs to be a warrior: calm, collected, indifferent, seasoned by the onslaughts of the unknown. You are not seasoned that way yet. Therefore, it is your duty to seek that fulfillment before you could talk about venturing into the infinite.

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