The Flaw with Words

Those of us attempting to access the essence of nagualism must accept an outrageous premise; even though the teachings of don Juan are now available in print, the silent knowledge that underlies those teachings remains completely beyond the power of the written word. The Toltecs insist that anything truly “of the spirit” must be actualized as a personal experience rather than simply written or talked about as an intellectual concept. – Tomas, Creative Victory

For years I have included in my blog posts, “Don’t believe a word I say, have your own experience!” Having spent the past couple of weeks contemplating my decade’s long journey in awareness on the Toltec path got me to thinking about – once again – recapitulating these teachings; it seems as though most of them have become superfluous for me. While there was a time when much of these practices were necessary, it is now time to actualize the fact that power is and power moves.

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Rise Up to Your Higher Power

The spirit of a warrior is not geared to indulging and complaining, nor is it geared to winning or losing. The spirit of a warrior is geared only to struggle, and every struggle is a warrior’s last battle on earth. Thus the outcome matters very little to him. In his last battle on earth a warrior lets his spirit flow free and clear. And as he wages his battle, knowing that his intent is impeccable, a warrior laughs and laughs. – Don Juan, A Separate Reality

Happy New Year! Upon entering into 2021 I’ve often wondered if we still have the capacity to choose freedom or if we have to fight for it. It has occurred to me that nothing has changed as it pertains to uplugging from the predator and choosing freedom. I’ve written “unplug from the predator” hundreds of times over the years and now, with the predator as humongous as it is, I continue to declare, “BE GONE, you have no power here.” You are the universe and as such, we have infinite boundlessness and immeasurable power.

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merging with plant consciousness

Have I not just told you that Intelligence moves through all physical forms? Whereas form is separate in its physical identity, Intelligence is One. We (plants) welcome an attitude of respect and admiration. For too long the forests have been exploited to meet your needs on a physical level. It is time now to merge our energy with mankind on higher, finer levels. ~ Michael Roads, Talking with Nature

The spring equinox is the first day of spring and is a time of the year when we plant the seeds of dreams for the earth, dreams that have the potential to become nourished and brought to fruition. Chanting and drumming in the sweat lodge on March 20th, we each shared strong intentions for planting the seeds of change; intentions for more conscious awareness to take root in humanity. These are the seeds of creative, universal life-force energy that can be nourished by all of us to liberate the planet from the grasp of seeds that have produced fear and confusion.

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re-membering our infinite connection

Too much emphasis is placed upon the personal. The burning flame of Spirit, the purity, wholeness, and wisdom, are no longer fueled and are burning themselves out. Self-identity and Spirit must be brought back into balance through individuation. This will allow for an awakening of subconscious qualities.  People will remember the nature of being human within the universe, this vast sea of awareness. They will remember why they projected themselves into human form upon the Earth in the first place. ~ Becoming Awareness

Individuation is a quest for wholeness; a remembering of the self. Without getting into the detailed psychology of the individuation process which, incidentally, includes a lot of recapitulation, when the collective unconscious is brought into consciousness we are able to re-member who we are and why we are here. This brings us to a state of balance.

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warrior seers

Courtesy of Don Voss – RavenCircle Creations

Being a Warrior Seer is a philosophy, a way of life that allows us to remember our authentic self. This philosophy recognizes that the perception of the dominant paradigm is limiting and fails to integrate the abstract. In recognizing that we are part of a complex energy system we come to know that all of life is an extension of universal life force energy, or more simply, Source.

Warrior Seers do not bear arms; they arm themselves with awareness and constantly challenge themselves to evolve beyond the realm of ordinary human awareness and the limitations presented by the man-made matrix. The man-made matrix is a monotonous existence; an obsolete pattern that continues to endure through imposition. This repetitious and tedious pattern has been maintained for many centuries and causes separation from Source energy and the disregard for what it really means to live in balance and unity.

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higher vibration – higher consciousness

When you become aware of silence, immediately there is that state of inner still alertness. You are present. You have stepped out of thousands of years of collective human conditioning. ~ Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks

When we are aligned with the frequency of collective human conditioning we are aligned with density consciousness, a frequency that is heavy and causes our energy to vibrate at a lower frequency. Density consciousness has to do with the amount of merit we place, sometimes blindly, upon the stories that we’ve been told on how to assemble our realities in alignment with the human collective. This can cause us to feel as though we are dragging ourselves through our day (or life) with a lot of resistance, under the weight of the world so to speak.

Entering into silence grants us the opportunity to recognize our true, creative nature which in turn exposes our limiting beliefs. This allows us to release those limitations and move into states of higher consciousness which increases our energetic vibration and we become aligned with the natural energetic frequencies of the Earth.

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mother earth – the essential mirror

Only if one loves this earth with unbending passion can one release one’s sadness. A warrior is always joyful because his love is unalterable and his beloved, the earth, embraces him and bestows upon him inconceivable gifts. The sadness belongs only to those who hate the very thing that gives shelter to their beings. – Don Juan, Tales of Power

Do you pay attentions to omens? I do. Yesterday I came across two images that I adore, posted by fellow warriors. The one at the top of this post is an image I have used on and off as my cover and avatar for many years. The picture below is from an eye-opening article entitled The Greening of the Self: The Most Important Development of Modern Times.

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Creative Conscious Evolution

For don Juan, sorcery was the act of embodying some specialized theoretical and practical premises about the nature and role of perception in molding the universe around us. ~ Carlos Castaneda, The Art of Dreaming

Evolution begins with inner silence. When we take the time to sit in stillness and connect with the earth we begin to connect to the intricate energetic web of the universe of which we are all a part; of which we emerged! To evolve, one must have command over the totality of oneself. This means that you encounter power by removing yourself from the concerns of the “group mind” and replace them with decisions of power and strategies that bring you to awareness. It involves practicing silence to overcome the domestic condition of having membership in a social group and removing yourself as a hostage in another person’s inventory with an obligation to uphold an image before others. You are an autonomous, individual who has come to realize that your next step is to liberate and evolve your consciousness. If you choose not to, you may remain stuck within a loop of repeating patterns over and over again.

Those of you who place a higher value on your own perceptions than on the interpretations of others have access to more informational awareness that is interconnected with the true alignment of intent than the mostly faulty descriptions of reality that have been provided to you.

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Evolving Beyond Earth

There exists a place where people are able to be so free of the distractions that they connect with silent knowledge and glean new, beautiful nuggets of awareness to share. Others honor the beauty of that nugget with gratitude and in freedom. And then other people connect with silent knowledge and share their beautiful nugget of awareness and are honored for the journey that has taken them to see in that manner and share in freedom. And no one becomes attached to these shining nuggets and attempts to “take” them or “have” the same nugget but instead, venture into the unknown to encounter and then share their beautiful piece with the whole, everyone marveling with wonder at the awe and auspiciousness of the universe. This is a new web of existence, each of us lightly traversing these beautiful gossamer threads of awareness, continuously and creatively weaving together through all of eternity. ~ Female Warrior

I am going to be sharing my story about recapitulating the earth, where it came from, what it means to me and why I find it to be important on my journey as a warrior of freedom. It is based on my personal experience and connection with silent knowledge. I don’t expect anyone to believe it, buy into it, try to embody it or otherwise make it their own. What I’m interested in is having the freedom to create and co-create. And if you recognize some nugget of awareness for yourself in the experiences I share then YAY, because there are many from whom I have gleaned nuggets of awareness over the years. I am open to constructive and engaging discussion and hope that before you attempt to tell me I’m wrong or that I need to seek clarification of my perceptions that you take the time to consider and honor the story you are creating and/or co-creating. How drab our world would be if we were all aligned with the same one. Our diversity is what makes us warriors of freedom.

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Journey Without Goal

If you continue on the path of knowledge, you will soon discover that explanations are placebos, since they never fulfill what they promise. For each thing they clarify, they generate a trail of contradictions. In fact, we never understand anything; true teaching is physical and we only get it after years of fighting. That is the nature of the lessons of the nagual. ~ Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

Every path is an illusion, a story, a pattern. I am re-reading, Journey Without Goal: The Tantric Wisdom of the Buddha by Chogyam Trungpa. I have always enjoyed Trungpa’s work and find many similarities at an energetic level to what Castaneda has written. Tantra is pure energy, and Tantric practitioners experience the direct connection to the energetic life force that Castaneda refers to as Intent. It has always interested me that Castaneda’s work is most closely aligned with Tantra than any other thing.

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