In the World and Not of It

Mine’s a tale that can’t be told, My freedom I hold dear, How years ago in days of old, When magic filled the air.  – Led Zeppelin

The magic that Robert Plant sings about in Ramble On still exists and we don’t have to look too hard for it. We don’t need magic wands, crystal balls, or wizardry to enter into and exist within a magical reality. As creator beings we can choose to be immersed in it since magic is the energy that effervesces around us all the time.

We are all at a strange time in our lifetime; a time that is challenging those of us to do whatever it takes to ensure that we stay our path; whatever that path may be. While those who believe they have the power over everyone to attempt to put us all into a melting pot of sameness and compliance, it is our expansive, multi-faceted diversity that will allow us to simultaneously protect the freedoms that we each strive to attain, maintain, and sustain.

There is no truth, there is only perception! When we recognize that the drama and stories of the world are an illusion, we are able to make a choice, the choice being to participate in the illusion or to walk away from it. Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds – Bob Marley. Choosing to free your mind of the chaos of repetitive, historical patterns appeals to the warrior seer who is committed to being impeccable with his energy.

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Magical Things … Like Orbs!

Some people claim that orbs are specs of dust, reflections, or dirt on the camera lens. Others believe that they are energetic manifestations of spirit beings, angels, or even ghosts.

What I can tell you is this. They are real. My friend and I were camping at a place in South Dakota that many consider has been a power place for Native Americans for centuries. It is very dark there and there aren’t any power poles, etc.

One night we were talking and I suggested we call in the spirit beings to our camp. And then I thought that perhaps I could get a picture of some orbs in the event that the spirit beings did decide to join us. The proof is in the following pictures.

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Avatar – That World is Our World

A warrior’s love is the world. He embraces this enormous earth. The earth knows that he loves it and it bestows on him its care. That’s why his life is filled to the brim and his state, wherever he’ll be, will be plentiful. He roams on the paths of his love and, wherever he is, he is complete. ~ don Juan, Tales of Power

One of my favorite quotes, previously used, will be used again. I go to the movies about once a year. I usually fall asleep. After seeing the previews for Avatar I knew that this would be my once a year theatre experience. I donned my 3-D glasses, was mesmerized for the entire three hours and never nodded off.

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