conscious communication

Communications are a transmission of energy, the giving and receiving of information. When we receive information from others we either energetically vibe with or reject what they are saying. If we are aligned with their words we have become responsible for energizing those words and thoughts. This gives those words the power to become manifest in a small band of awareness held by few or by a much larger band of awareness held by many.

What we are experiencing now is a major shift in conscious awareness, mostly through our communications with each other and with the world. As more and more people discuss positive, pro-active, consciousness raising topics they are transforming collective consciousness to a higher frequency of awareness which decreases the fear and despair of the predatory realm. This is why it is so important to be impeccable with your word, as both don Juan and Don Miguel Ruiz explained. Words create thought forms and the energy of those thought forms will increase as those thought forms are acknowledged and accepted by others. If we are energizing a positive thought form we are increasing the energetic frequency of that concept. Likewise, if we place our energy on a negative thought form, we are providing it the power it needs to increase.

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Impeccable Balance

The warrior’s final challenge is to balance all the attributes of his path. Once he does that, his purpose becomes inflexible. He is no longer moved by a desperate desire for gain. He is the owner of his will, and can put it to his personal service. When he arrives at that point, the warrior has learned how to be impeccable. And for him to continue being impeccable depends totally on the energy he has accumulated. ~ Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

When a warrior begins balancing all the attributes of her path, she comes to realize that she never has to desire anything again because she understands that she has absolutely everything she needs through sheer force of will and her connection and alignment with intent. Thinking that there is not enough of something, or no time left to complete a task, or trying to change something is replaced by simply knowing that when we are so fully in the flow of intent that we have everything we need and there is nothing left to ask for. We take responsibility for our lives by simply aligning with intent, getting out of our own way, and allowing the nature of things to unfold. Power is and power moves.

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Humility, Impeccability and Freedom

A warrior acknowledges his pain but he doesn’t indulge in it. Thus the mood of a warrior who enters into the unknown is not one of sadness; on the contrary, he’s joyful because he feels humbled by his great fortune, confident that his spirit is impeccable, and above all, fully aware of his efficiency. A warrior’s joyfulness comes from having accepted his fate, and from having truthfully assessed what lies ahead of him. ~ Don Juan, Tales of Power

We learn to free ourselves from old patterns when we recapitulate them with finality. Yeah, that’s what happened last week when I allowed my impeccability to slip and descend into the nightmare of the predator, feeling the pain of that particular reality and then indulging in it. A long-ingrained pattern of reacting to the atrocities that occur with regularity in a dream that doesn’t belong to me. I didn’t create it, I don’t participate in it, I don’t maintain it and I certainly cannot, under any circumstances, feed it by reacting to it. I must treat it as though it doesn’t exist.  As warriors we have no choice but to be impeccable with our energy.

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